Fig. 4.
Phenotypic age acceleration associates with schizophrenia in women with high PRS. Forest plots showing associations statistics of Horvath Δage (A) and Levine Δage (B) with SCZ PRS stratified by sex. The analyses of Horvath Δage and Levine Δage were subsetted to individuals younger than 40 and older than 31 years, respectively. Analyses were furthermore stratified by sex. Case–control analyses were performed without PRS1 stratification (PRS-all), with cases in the first PRS tercile (PRS-low), cases in the second tercile (PRS-mid), cases in the third tercile (PRS-high), and using PRS1 as continuous variable in cases only. For each analysis, the number of controls and cases included, the regression coefficient, and the P-value are shown. P-values were adjusted for multiple testing (number of tests = 30). The red asterisk highlights analyses that are also significant after permutation (P < 0.05)