Extended Data Fig 5 |. Na+ transporter mutants are susceptible to salt stress.
a, Brood sizes of Na+ transporter mutants upon high salt stress. Na+ transporter deletion mutants cannot survive 400 mM NaCl compared to WT worms. Arrows indicates condition used for lysosomal Na+ measurement in salt stress worms is acute 200 mM (Ac worm in d.) b, Representative Na+ heatmaps of Na+ transporter deletion mutant worms. c, qRT-PCR shows that mRNA expression level of Na+ transporters do not change appreciably upon high salt stress in N2 worms. Fold change of between Ac and Ch condition N2 worms is plotted for mRNA level of Na+ transporters. act-1 was used as reference gene. d, Lysosomal Na+ levels of Na+ transporter mutant worms under NS and Ac condition. Higher lysosomal Na+ is observed in all investigated Na+ transporter mutant worms: 9 mM in NS and 63 mM in Ac for nhx-5(−) worms. 24 mM in NS and 51 mM in Ac for nhx-7(−) worms. 34 mM in NS and 55 mM in Ac for nhx-8(−) worms. 25 mM in NS and 36 mM in Ac for ncx-2(−) worms. *P ≤ 0.05; **P ≤ 0.01; ***P ≤ 0.001; ns, no statistical significance by two sample t-test.