Fig 5.
Increased inflammation in pan-Irgm−/− at 6 dpi in genital C. muridarum infection. Mice were infected transcervically with 2.5 × 105 C. muridarum EBs and harvested at 6 dpi (A–E). (A) Gross pathology of infected genital tracts. Arrowhead denotes region of gross inflammation. (B–E) Genital tracts were fixed, sectioned, and H&E stained. The magnitude of acute and chronic inflammation (B) and dilation (C) was graded by a veterinary pathologist. (D) Low magnification of granulomatous lesion (*) in pan-Irgm−/− uterus. (E) High magnification of acute inflammation in wild-type uterus and acute and histiocytic inflammation in pan-Irgm−/− uterus. A, acute inflammation; H, histiocytic inflammation. Data represent one experiment that is representative of multiple replicates. Wild-type n = 6 mice, pan-Irgm−/− n = 10; each data point represents one uterine horn of an infected mouse. Statistical significance was determined using Mann-Whitney test; *P < 0.05, ns = not significant.