Fig 7.
Increased inflammatory pathology in Irgm- and Rag1-deficient uteri in genital C. muridarum infection at 45 dpi. Mice were infected transcervically with 2.5 × 105 C. muridarum EBs. Genital tracts were harvested at 45 dpi, fixed, sectioned, H&E stained, and graded by a veterinary pathologist. (A) The magnitude of acute and chronic inflammation in the uteri as defined by standard scoring criteria was combined. Additional features such as endometrial glandular pathology (B) and uterine luminal exudates (C) were also included. (A –C) Each data point represents one uterine horn of an infected mouse. (D) A combined uterine pathology index consisting of the sum of acute inflammation, chronic inflammation, dilation, glandular pathology, luminal exudates, and granulomatous inflammation was calculated. Each data point represents combined pathology scores from one entire reproductive tract from an infected mouse. Figure represents pooled data from two independent experiments (wild-type n = 7 mice, Irgm2−/− n = 5, Irgm3−/− n = 12, Irgm1/m3−/− n = 12, pan-Irgm−/− n = 10, and Rag1/pan-Irgm−/− n = 9). Statistical significance was determined using Mann-Whitney tests; *P < 0.05, **P < 0.005, ***P < 0.0005, and ****P < 0.00005.