A, Card9 immunoprecipitate (IP) from WT, Card9 R101C, or Card9−/− BMDCs treated with HKCA (MOI 1:10) for 30 min. B, Bcl10 IP from WT, Card9 R101C, or Card9−/− BMDCs treated with HKCA (MOI 1:10) for 30 min. C, Representative western blot of WT, Card9 R101C, or Card9−/− BMDCs treated with HKCA (MOI 1:10), HKTR (MOI 1:10), or WGP (50 μg/ml) for 15 minutes. In A-C, molecular weight markers (kDa) are shown to the left; WCL, whole cell lysate. D, Nuclear p65 translocation in WT, Card9−/−, or Card9 R101C BMDCs treated with indicated doses of HKCA, HKTR, or WGP for 30 min. E, Tnf concentration in the supernatant from WT, Card9−/−, or Card9 R101C BMDCs treated with indicated doses of HKCA, HKTR, WGP, or LPS (10 ng/ml) for 24 h. (n=3 mice per condition). Each experiment was repeated 3 times. Data represent mean +/− SEM. See also Figure S1.