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. 2024 Mar 26;41(1):e2024017. doi: 10.36141/svdld.v41i1.15125

Table 3.

Spirometry and CPET parameters

Spirometry CPET
Respiratory Cardiovascular Metabolic
FVC% TVinitial O2 pulse% VO2, peak
FEV1 TVpeak DELTA O2 pulse VO2%
FEV1% TVpeak/TVinitial VO2/Wslope AT
TLC BR% PASinitial W
TLC% SAO2, initial PASpeak W%
DLCO SAO2, peak PADinitial
DLCO% DeSaO2 PADpeak
VA% PetCO2, initial
PetCO2, peak
VE/VCO2, intercept
VE/VCO2, slope

Abbreviations: FVC: forced vital capacity, FVC%: FVC in % of reference values, FEV1: forced expiratory volume in 1 second; FEV1% forced expiratory volume in 1 second in % of reference values; FEV1/SVC%: ratio of FEV1 to slow vital capacity in % of reference values; TLC: total lung capacity; TLC%: TLC in % of reference values; DLCO: diffusing capacity of the lungs for carbon monoxide; DLCO%: DLCO in % of reference values; VA: alveolar volume in % of reference values; DLCO/VA%: ratio of DLCO to VA; VEpeak peak minute ventilation; TVinitial: initial tidal volume; TVpeak: peak tidal volume; TVpeak/TVbaseline: ratio of peak to baseline tidal volume; RR: respiratory exchange ratio, the ratio between carbon dioxide production and oxygen intake; BR%: breathing reserve, the difference between the maximal voluntary ventilation and the minute ventilation (VE) as a % of the maximal voluntary ventilation; SAO2, initial: initial blood oxygen saturation; SaO2, peak: peak blood oxygen saturation; DeSaO2: blood oxygen desaturation, difference between SaO2 peak of the exercise SaO2 at baseline; PetCO2, initial: end tidal partial pressure of CO2 at baseline; PetCO2, AT: end tidal partial pressure of CO2 at anaerobic threshold; PetCO2, peak: end tidal partial pressure of CO2 at peak exercise; VE/VCO2, intercept: intercept of the linear relationship between minute ventilation and carbon dioxide production; VE/VCO2, slope: slope of the linear relationship between minute ventilation and carbon dioxide production; HRR%: heart rate reserve, the difference between maximum predicted heart rate and observed maximum heart rate, as a % of the maximum predicted heart rate; O2 pulse % predicted: O2 pulse % predicted: oxygen pulse in % of reference values; DELTA O2 pulse: the difference between oxygen pulse at the peak of the exercise and oxygen pulse at baseline; VO2/Wslope: the slope of the oxygen uptake to work rate linear relationship; HR/VO2: slope of the heart rate to oxygen uptake linear relationship; PASinitial: systolic blood pressure at baseline; PASpeak: systolic blood pressure at peak exercise; PADinitial: diastolic blood pressure at baseline; PADpeak: diastolic blood pressure at peak exercise; RER: respiratory exchange ratio, the ratio between carbon dioxide production and oxygen intake; VO2, peak: oxygen intake at peak exercise; VO2%: oxygen intake at peak in % of reference values; AT: anaerobic threshold; AT % predicted: anaerobic threshold in % of reference values; W: work rate at peak; W % predicted: work rate at peak in% of reference values.