a, Inhibitory activity of 24 commercially available analogs of Cmpd 22 at 20 μM. Uptake experiments were performed with 2–6 technical repeats and are averaged from 3 independent experiments (n = 3). Data are represented as mean±s.e.m. b, Chemical structure of Cmpd 22 and selected analogs. c, d, Concentration response experiments show that Cmpd 22-J, Cmpd 22-R, and Cmpd 22-D have comparable inhibitory potencies as Cmpd 22 (c), while Cmpd 22-P and Cmpd 22-C appear to not inhibit AE1 (d). Concentration response uptake experiments were performed in triplicates and are averaged from 4 independent experiments (n = 4). Apparent potencies are calculated as apparent IC50 (mean) and error bars denote 95% confidence intervals. All uptake data have been normalized to Cmpd 22.