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. 2024 Apr 11;7(4):e244592. doi: 10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2024.4592

Table. Maternal Characteristics of Singleton and Twin Pregnancies Stratified by Cervical Length Clustering Subgroup.

Maternal characteristic Singleton pregnancies, No. (%) Twin pregnancies, No. (%)
All (n = 41 706) Cervical length All (n = 1853) Cervical length
Stable (n = 20 340) Shortened (n = 21 366) Stable (n = 1307) Shortened (n = 546)
Age, mean (SD), y 33.0 (4.0) 33.6 (4.0) 32.5 (3.9) 33.3 (3.6) 33.5 (3.7) 32.9 (3.5)
≤35 29 230 (70.1) 13 276 (65.3) 15 954 (74.7) 1266 (68.3) 862 (66.0) 404 (74.0)
>35 12 476 (29.9) 7064 (34.7) 5412 (25.3) 587 (31.7) 445 (34.1) 142 (26.0)
Height, mean (SD), cm 162.5 (5.2) 162.5 (5.3) 162.5 (5.0) 162.9 (5.1) 162.8 (5.1) 162.9 (5.2)
Prepregnancy weight, mean (SD), kg 58.5 (9.0) 59.8 (9.3) 57.3 (8.6) 59.7 (9.1) 60.1 (9.2) 58.8 (9.0)
Prepregnancy BMI, mean (SD)a 22.1 (3.2) 22.6 (3.3) 21.7 (3.0) 22.5 (3.2) 22.7 (3.2) 22.2 (3.3)
Underweight 3787 (9.1) 1311 (6.5) 2476 (11.6) 136 (7.3) 84 (6.4) 52 (9.5)
Normal weight 28 192 (67.6) 13 332 (65.6) 14 860 (69.6) 1202 (64.9) 841 (64.4) 361 (66.1)
Overweight 7459 (17.9) 4319 (21.2) 3140 (14.7) 398 (21.5) 295 (22.6) 103 (18.9)
Obesity 2268 (5.4) 1378 (6.8) 890 (4.2) 117 (6.3) 87 (6.7) 30 (5.5)
Gestational weight gain, mean (SD), kg 13.01 (4.4) 13.15 (4.5) 12.88 (4.3) 15.73 (5.2) 16.03 (5.2) 15.01 (5.1)
Primipara 29 370 (70.4) 13 092 (64.4) 16 278 (76.2) 1544 (83.3) 1056 (80.8) 488 (89.4)
Multipara 12 336 (29.6) 7248 (35.6) 5088 (23.8) 309 (16.7) 251 (19.2) 58 (10.6)
Conception mode
Spontaneous 37 230 (89.3) 18 066 (88.8) 19 164 (89.7) 743 (40.1) 571 (43.7) 172 (31.5)
ART 4476 (10.7) 2274 (11.2) 2202 (10.3) 1110 (59.9) 736 (56.3) 374 (68.5)
Gestational diabetes
No 30 718 (73.7) 14 920 (73.4) 15 798 (73.9) 1325 (71.5) 959 (73.4) 366 (67.0)
Yes 10 988 (26.4) 5420 (26.7) 5568 (26.1) 528 (28.5) 348 (26.6) 180 (33.0)
Hypertensive disorders of pregnancy
No 38 413 (92.1) 18 530 (91.1) 19 883 (93.1) 1643 (88.7) 1167 (89.3) 476 (87.2)
Yes 3293 (7.9) 1810 (8.9) 1483 (6.9) 210 (11.3) 140 (10.7) 70 (12.8)
No 40 337 (96.7) 19 571 (96.2) 20 766 (97.2) 1726 (93.2) 1226 (93.8) 500 (91.6)
Yes 1369 (3.3) 769 (3.8) 600 (2.8) 127 (6.9) 81 (6.2) 46 (8.4)
Gestational age at delivery, mean (SD), wk 39.2 (1.3) 39.3 (1.2) 39.2 (1.4) 36.8 (2.0) 37.2 (1.7) 36.0 (2.3)
No 40 275 (96.6) 19 793 (97.3) 20 482 (95.9) 1386 (74.8) 1069 (81.8) 317 (58.1)
Yes 1431 (3.4) 547 (2.7) 884 (4.1) 467 (25.2) 238 (18.2) 229 (41.9)
Subtype of sPTB
Moderate to late preterm birth 1255 (3.0) 490 (2.4) 765 (3.6) 399 (21.5) 204 (15.6) 195 (35.7)
Early preterm birth 176 (0.4) 57 (0.3) 119 (0.6) 68 (3.7) 34 (2.6) 34 (6.2)

Abbreviations: ART, assisted reproductive technology; BMI, body mass index (calculated as weight in kilograms divided by height in meters squared); sPTB, spontaneous preterm birth.


Underweight: BMI less than 18.5; normal weight: BMI 18.5 to less than 24.0; overweight: BMI greater than or equal to 24.0 to less than 28.0; obesity: BMI greater than or equal to 28.0.