Fig. 1.
Preparation and characterization of the oral YBNs@PDA. (A) Synthesis route of YBNs@PDA. (B) TEM and SEM images of YBNs@PDA. (C) Size distribution of YBNs and YBNs@PDA. (D) Zeta potential of YBNs, YBNs@PDA and YBNs@PDA in gastric fluid for 24 h. (E) FT-IR spectrum of PDA, YBNs and YBNs@PDA. (F) TGA spectra of YBNs, PDA and YBNs@PDA. (G) X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) spectra of YBNs, PDA and YBNs@PDA. (H) Fluorescence spectra of YBNs@PDA labeled with FITC. (I) Hydrodynamic diameter changes of YBNs@PDA in simulated gastric fluid