Figure 8: Annotation of the hAdV41 transcriptome.
(A) The reannotated hAdV41 transcriptome encodes 77 transcripts, of which 67 encode 23 canonical ORFs with their UTRs defined (grey). Wide and thin boxes indicate canonical CDS domains and UTRs, respectively. A further 9 transcripts (pink), putatively encoded novel or N’ terminal truncated protein isoforms. Nanopore DRS coverage plots (purple) are shown for the combined (Mplex) dataset (12 + 24 + 48 hpi) in a strand-specific manner. Y-axis values indicate the read depth. (B) The number of hAdV41 read alignments recorded against the forward and reverse strands, separated by dataset, show a strong bias toward transcription from the forward strand. (C) For each detected transcript in each transcription unit, a raw abundance count was generated using NAGATA and colour-coded according to transcript classification. (D) Upset plots denoting the number of transcripts reported by NAGATA in each of the individual, as well as the merged, datasets.