Fig. 3. TBL1XR1::TP63 drives the development of diverse T- and B-cell lymphomas in mice.
(A) Kaplan-Meier curve of lymphoma-specific survival in Cre and Cre/tgTT mice within 210 days. n=20 mice/arm. P value by Log-rank test. (B) Representative image of the spleen from moribund Cre/tgTT mice and age-matched control wildtype (WT) and Cre mice. (C) Western blot analysis for indicated proteins in spleen samples from (B). (D) H&E staining of spleen tissues in (B) showing representative splenic architecture of each group of mice. Scale bar: 1 mm. (E) Immunohistochemical (IHC) analysis showing the expression of CD3 and CD4 in representative spleen tissues in (B). Scale bars are as indicated. (F) H&E and IHC analysis for the indicated markers in representative spleen tissues harvested from four lymphoma-bearing Cre/tgTT mice. Scale bar: 100 mm. (G) RNAseq analysis of transgenic tumors. Enrichment of individual human lymphoma subtype signatures was assessed. (H) Contribution of CDR3b and IgH sequences to the T-cell receptor repertoire and B-cell receptor repertoire in transgenic tumor samples, respectively. The colors between samples do not indicate the same clone. The top 5 clones are shown. (I) Bar graph showing the cumulative incidence of transgenic tumors. 11 of 12 tumors were characterized. One mouse having an enlarged spleen (tumor) was found dead, and the tumor was not further analyzed. (J, K) Kaplan-Meyer survival curve for C57BL/6 mice after being irradiated with 5.5 Gy and intravenously transplanted with 0.5 million spleen cells from diseased Cre/tgTT mice (Tumor 1 (J) or Tumor 3 (K)) or from Cre mice. n=5 mice/arm. P value by Log-rank test.