Figure 2. Mouse oocyte analyses.
(A) Number of oocytes retrieved after superovulation from Control (n = 5) and STZ (n = 9) mice. (B) Principal component analysis (PCA) plot of control and STZ oocytes analyzed, also depicting the mouse that the oocyte was obtained from. (C) Volcano plot displaying no differentially expressed genes between Control and STZ oocytes (5 control animals, n = 81 oocytes; 9 STZ animals, n = 149 oocytes). (D) Correlation between Tet3 levels and HbA1c levels in oocytes obtained from Control and STZ mice. (E) Violin plots depicting lognormalized readcounts of oocyte-specific genes. (5 control animals, n = 81 oocytes; 9 STZ animals, n = 149 oocytes). (F) Re-analysis of public transcriptomic data from Chen et al comparing oocytes from poorly managed diabetes and controls (n = 3 control minibulk samples, n = 3 STZ minibulk samples). (G) PCA plot after integration of data from this study and data from Chen et al, comparing oocytes from poorly managed and appropriately managed diabetes with controls. (H) Violin plots depicting genes downregulated in severe STZ model and retained in mild STZ model (n = 8 control samples, n = 3 severe STZ samples, n = 7 mild STZ samples). Data information: Data depicted here is in biological replicates. In panel (A), data is depicted as mean ± SEM and was analyzed using Student’s t-test. In panel (C), data was analyzed using MAST. In panel (F), data was analyzed using Wald test in DESeq2. In panel (D), data was analyzed using a linear regression model. For boxplots in panels e and h, the lower and upper hinges of the box depict the 1st and 3rd quartiles, and the middle line depicts the median. The upper and lower whiskers extend to the largest or smallest value no further than 1.5 times the interquartile range (1.5*IQR) from the hinge. Data beyond the end of the whiskers are plotted as a larger dot, which are then the minimum and/or maximum values depicted. If no large dots are present, the whiskers extend to the minimum and/or maximum values. Source data are available online for this figure.