Intelligent tongue image analysis based on Tongue-GAN
Tongue image feature indicators: perAll, TB-Con, TC-Con, TB-ASM, TB-ENT, TB-MEAN, TC-ASM, TC-ENT, TC-MEAN, TB-L, TB-a, TB-b, TC-L, TC-a, and TC-b. (TB prefix represents the tongue body, and the TC prefix represents the tongue coating). The Con value is the texture index contrast, which indicates the clarity of the image and the depth of the texture grooves, that is, the tenderness of the tongue and the roughness of the tongue coating. The L* value represents the lightness index of the colour space. The higher the L value, the brighter and whiter the tongue colour,and the a* value represents the red-green axis. As the value gradually increased, the tongue body and coating colours gradually changed from pale white to purple and light red. (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the Web version of this article.)