Figure 2. AAV2/8-IRBP-GRK1-FAM161A preserved retina morphology but not function.
(A) Retinal activity recorded by ERG in scotopic conditions 3 mpi in Fam161atm1b/tm1b mice of either IRBP-GRK1-HS or HL vectors (1010 GC) at PN14 and in the contralateral eye with IRBP-GRK1-GFP (untreated: n = 4, GFP: n = 9, HL: n = 6, HS: n = 7, all at a dose of 1010 GC/injection) showed no functional improvement in the hFAM161A-treated eyes. (B–D) The retinal activity was determined in Fam161atm1b/tm1b mice injected at PN14 with a mix of the two vectors (HS + HL) and monitored by ERG after 1 month (B, n = 18), 2 months (C, n = 18) and 3 months (D, n = 12). Data are expressed as mean + SEM. No improvement was observed at any of these time points. Expression pattern of FAM161A in WT (E), KO (F), and 6 mpi after injection with IRBP-GRK1-HS (1010 GC, G) or –HL (H), or 3 mpi after injection with IRBP-GRK1-HS + IRBP-GRK1-HL (I) into Fam161atm1b/tm1b mouse eyes. Endogenous FAM161A expression is pointed by white arrows in (E). Note the ectopic expression of FAM161A (orange arrows, G–I). In addition, the CC is not distinguishable. (J–M) ONL thickness 6 months post injection of either HS or HL vectors. Note the thicker ONL in FAM161A-positive areas compared to FAM161A-negative region. (N) The combination of HS and HL isoforms (n = 9, 1010 GC in total) enhanced retina thickness rescue in comparison to the non-treated area (n = 9, P < 0.001) to reach the WT (n = 5) retina thickness. Scales bars are 25 μm. ONL outer nuclear layer, HS human short isoform, HL human long isoform. A one-way ANOVA Kruskal–Wallis test was performed, followed by Dunn’s test for multiple comparisons between the groups. *P < 0.05; ***P < 0.001. Data information: The result in (E) is representative of immunolabeling performed on two eyes from two individual mice. The result in (F) is representative of three eyes from three individual mice as well as of the non-treated regions of all AAV-treated eyes of the experiments analyzed in this study. Results in (G–M) are representative of five independent experiments with the respective number of eyes: HS: n = 18, HL: n = 18, and HS + HL: n = 12. Source data are available online for this figure.