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. 2024 Apr 2;15:1338234. doi: 10.3389/fpsyt.2024.1338234

Table 6.

Summary of studies regarding SP using USP-SPS in TS and/or OCD patients.

Reference Patients (n) Mean age Comorbidities USP-SPS Total Score Results
Rosario et al. (26) 76 OCD 35.4 -Tics (21.1%) 5.5 (SD = 4.6) SP were present in 67.1% of patients.
There were no significant differences in the presence of SP according to comorbidity with tics.
Lee et al. (27) 37 OCD 37 -Tic disorders (20%)
-OCPD (35%)
n.a. The frequency of any kind of SP was significantly higher in OCD patients (67.6%) when compared to controls (35.1%).
Sutherland Owens et al. (37) 18 TS 9 adults (25.5)
9 children (13.2)
-OCD (50%)
-ADHD (11.1%)
8.5 (SD = 3.7) Statistically significant positive correlation between USP-SPS and PUTS total scores.
Gomes de Alvarenga et al. (29) 813 OCD 34.9 -Tic disorders (29.0%)
-Mood disorders (70.7%)
-Anxiety disorders (33.8%)
-ADHD (16.1%)
-Impulsive control disorders (37.3%)
-Body dysmorphic disorders (11.9%)
37.08 SP were reported by 72% of the entire sample.
Compared to OCD patients without comorbid tics, OCD patients with comorbid tic disorders were more likely to present SP.
Ferrão et al. (28) 1001 OCD 34.85 -TS (8.8%)
-CTD (13.7%)
-Trichotillomania (4.5%)
-Skin picking (15.4%)
7.7 (SD = 3.49) 651 (65.0%) subjects reported at least one type of SP preceding the repetitive behaviours.
The presence of SP was associated with comorbid TS, and a family history of tic disorders.
Shavitt et al. (31) 1001 OCD 34.85 -TS (9%)
-CTD (15.4%)
-Mood disorders (42.6%)
-Anxiety disorders (65%)
-Impulse control disorders (30.8%)
-ADHD (12.7%)
4.88 (SD = 4.63) Most OCD patients endorsed SP (60.4%).
OCD + TS and OCD + CTD endorsed SP significantly more frequently than OCD patients without tics.
Sampaio et al. (30) 60 OCD and/or TS 18.98 -OCD (91.7%)
-TS (26.7%)
-CTD (5%)
n.a. The prevalence of SP in total sample was 88.5%.
SP were presented in 89.1% of OCD sample, and 100% of TS and CTD sample.
Subirà et al. (33) 106 OCD 33.11 n.a. 8.4 (SD = 3.5) Patients with SP (67%) showed grey matter volume increases in the left sensorimotor cortex in comparison to
Patients without SP and bilateral sensorimotor cortex grey matter volume increases in comparison to controls.
Kano et al. (32) 41 TS 23.1 -OCD (20%) 6.4 (SD = 3.1) The PUTS total score had significant correlations with the USP-SPS total score.
USP-SPS and PUTS total scores were significantly correlated with YGTSS total scores and DY-BOCS total scores.
de Avila et al. (34) 272 OCD Poor insight (n= 124, median 35.5),
Good insight (n=148, median 32)
-Tics (median 34 in poor insight, 41 in good insight);
-TS (median 10 in poor insight, 9 in good insight);
-ADHD (median 22 in poor insight, 14 in good insight);
9 (median) Individuals affected by OCD in the poor insight group presented more prevalent SP compared to those with good insight.
Kano et al. (35) 20 TS 30.2 -OCD (30%)
-ADHD (20%)
5.0 (SD = 3.2) Current USP-SPS total scores were significantly correlated with current YGTSS global severity scores.
Both current USP-SPS total scores and PUTS total scores were significantly correlated with current CY-BOCS total scores.
Vellozo et al. (36) 1001 OCD 34.8 -TS (8.8%)
-Tic disorders (28.4%)
-ADHD (13.7%)
-Mood disorders (60.8%)
-Anxiety disorders (69.8%)
4.9 (SD = 4.6) The OCD group with symmetry symptoms presented higher frequency and severity of SP.

SP, sensory phenomena; USP-SPS, University of Sao Paulo’s Sensory Phenomena Scale; TS, Tourette Syndrome; OCD, obsessive-compulsive disorder; SD, standard deviation; OCPD, Obsessive compulsive personality disorder; ADHD, Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder; PUTS, Premonitory Urge for Tics Scale; CTD, Chronic tic disorders; n.a., not available; DY-BOCS, Dimensional Yale-Brown Obsessive-Compulsive Scale; CY-BOCS, Children’s Yale-Brown Obsessive-Compulsive Scale for Children.