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. 2024 Apr 2;11:1382254. doi: 10.3389/fnut.2024.1382254

Table 1.

General characteristics of included participants.

Normal LLM Obesity LLM with obesity Normal LLM Obesity LLM with obesity Normal LLM Obesity LLM with obesity
N = 15,313 N = 1,289 N = 6,968 N = 1,682 N = 13,721 N = 409 N = 8,560 N = 2,562 N = 11,500 N = 782 N = 10,781 N = 2,189
Age (years) 39.3(0.2) 50.5(0.8) 40.6(0.2) 46.2(0.5) <0.001 38.2(0.2) 45.1(1.2) 42.3(0.2) 48.0(0.5) <0.001 37.4(0.2) 46.6(0.9) 42.4(0.2) 48.0(0.5) <0.001
Sex (%) <0.001 <0.001 <0.001
Male 50.8(0.4) 56.9(1.9) 46.7(0.7) 50.8(1.5) 55.6(0.5) 75.6(2.7) 39.7(0.6) 50.4(1.3) 59.4(0.5) 71.1(2.3) 38.9(0.6) 47.9(1.4)
Female 49.2(0.4) 43.1(1.9) 53.3(0.7) 49.2(1.5) 44.4(0.5) 24.4(2.7) 60.3(0.6) 49.6(1.3) 40.6(0.5) 28.9(2.3) 61.1(0.6) 52.1(1.4)
Ethnicity (%) <0.001 <0.001 <0.001
Black 9.2(0.6) 1.0(0.2) 15.6(1.0) 3.5(0.5) 10.9(0.7) 0.7(0.3) 11.6(0.8) 2.8(0.3) 10.0(0.6) 1.0(0.3) 12.5(0.8) 3.1(0.4)
White 69.9(1.1) 54.1(2.7) 65.4(1.4) 63.7(2.0) 67.8(1.2) 29.2(3.8) 69.7(1.3) 63.8(1.9) 67.5(1.1) 43.7(3.0) 69.7(1.3) 64.9(2.0)
Mexican 7.4(0.5) 20.3 (1.9) 8.7(0.7) 19.4(1.6) 7.8(0.5) 34.1(3.2) 7.8(0.7) 18.1(1.6) 7.8(0.5) 24.2(2.2) 7.8(0.6) 18.5(1.6)
Other 13.4(0.7) 24.6(2.2) 10.4(0.7) 13.5(1.2) 13.4(0.7) 35.9(3.4) 11.0(0.8) 15.3(1.2) 14.7(0.8) 31.2(2.6) 10.1(0.7) 13.6(1.2)
Education level (%) <0.001 <0.001 <0.001
Less than high school 15.2(0.6) 36.3(1.9) 15.5(0.6) 26.7(1.4) 15.3(0.6) 47.3(3.1) 15.1(0.6) 28.2(1.2) 14.8(0.6) 36.0(2.2) 15.7(0.6) 28.5(1.3)
High school graduates 22.9(0.6) 24.7(1.6) 25.4(0.7) 29.8(1.6) 22.4(0.6) 23.6(2.6) 25.7(0.6) 28.5(1.3) 22.3(0.7) 26.0(1.8) 25.1(0.6) 28.5(1.4)
Above high school 62.0(1.0) 38.9(2.0) 59.1(0.8) 43.6(1.9) 62.3(1.0) 29.1(2.8) 59.2(0.9) 43.4(1.5) 62.9(1.0) 38.1(2.1) 59.2(0.8) 43.0(1.6)
Marital status (%) 0.340 0.003 <0.001
Separated 36.3(0.7) 34.8(1.7) 34.9(0.9) 34.0(1.8) 37.0(0.8) 34.5(2.9) 34.0(0.8) 34.3(1.4) 37.9(0.8) 33.0(2.3) 33.7(0.7) 34.7(1.6)
Married 63.8(0.7) 65.2(1.7) 65.1(0.9) 66.0(1.8) 63.0(0.8) 65.5(2.9) 66.0(0.8) 65.7(1.4) 62.1(0.8) 67.1(2.3) 66.4(0.7) 65.3(1.6)
PIR (%) <0.001 <0.001 <0.001
<1.3 19.9(0.8) 30.8(2.2) 21.3(0.7) 28.6(1.6) 20.5(0.7) 40.1(3.1) 20.2(0.8) 28.2(1.6) 20.1(0.8) 34.0(2.4) 20.7(0.7) 28.1(1.6)
1.3–3.5 33.8(0.8) 42.2(2.2) 37.4(0.9) 41.7(2.0) 34.1(0.7) 39.1(3.5) 36.2(0.8) 42.2(1.7) 33.5(0.8) 39.0(2.6) 36.4(0.8) 42.7(1.9)
≥3.5 46.3(1.1) 27.0(2.2) 41.3(1.1) 29.7(1.7) 45.4(1.1) 20.9(3.4) 43.7(1.0) 29.6(1.6) 46.4(1.1) 27.0(2.3) 43.0(1.1) 29.2(1.6)
Smoking status (%) <0.001 <0.001 <0.001
Never 53.3(0.7) 52.0(1.9) 54.5(0.8) 53.4(1.6) 53.2(0.8) 54.3(3.3) 54.4(0.7) 52.8(1.3) 54.1(0.8) 50.7(2.7) 53.1(0.7) 53.6(1.4)
Former 21.3(0.5) 29.5(1.7) 23.8(0.7) 28.3(1.3) 19.9(0.5) 27.3(2.8) 25.5(0.7) 28.9(1.1) 19.6(0.6) 28.3(2.3) 24.7(0.6) 28.8(1.2)
Current 25.4(0.7) 18.4(1.5) 21.8(0.7) 18.3(1.4) 27.0(0.8) 18.4(2.4) 20.0(0.5) 18.4(1.0) 26.3(0.7) 21.0(1.9) 22.2(0.5) 17.6(1.1)
Alcohol consumption (%) <0.001 <0.001 <0.001
None 9.9(0.6) 21.4(1.6) 11.3(0.8) 14.7(1.2) 9.0(0.6) 16.5(2.0) 12.4(0.8) 17.1(0.9) 9.0(0.7) 17.5(1.8) 11.8(0.7) 16.9(1.1)
Mild 35.6(0.8) 30.6(1.9) 32.2(0.9) 29.6(1.7) 35.0(0.7) 32.8(3.2) 33.9(0.9) 29.6(1.5) 36.8(0.8) 31.8(2.6) 32.2(0.8) 29.5(1.5)
Moderate 19.0(0.5) 7.7(1.0) 17.5(0.7) 12.9(1.2) 18.9(0.5) 6.5(1.6) 18.0(0.6) 11.6(0.9) 18.7(0.6) 9.1(1.3) 18.4(0.6) 11.6(1.0)
Heavy 24.3(0.6) 17.0(1.4) 23.7(0.8) 20.2(1.6) 26.8(0.7) 22.8(2.5) 19.9(0.7) 18.7(1.2) 25.9(0.7) 21.2(1.8) 22.3(0.6) 18.5(1.3)
Former 11.2(0.5) 23.3(1.5) 15.2(0.8) 22.7(1.4) 10.3(0.4) 21.4(3.1) 15.8(0.8) 23.1(1.2) 9.8(0.5) 20.5(2.0) 15.3(0.7) 23.5(1.2)
Physical activity (%) <0.001 <0.001 <0.001
Never 39.2(0.8) 58.0(1.8) 42.4(0.7) 53.8(1.8) 38.1(0.8) 56.0(3.5) 43.6(0.7) 55.2(1.4) 37.5(0.8) 57.3(2.6) 43.1(0.7) 54.7(1.5)
Moderate 26.3(0.5) 26.2(1.6) 28.2(0.7) 26.2(1.7) 25.1(0.6) 20.5(2.7) 29.8(0.6) 26.9(1.2) 24.4(0.6) 21.3(2.2) 29.5(0.6) 27.6(1.3)
Vigorous 34.5(0.7) 15.9(1.4) 29.4(0.7) 20.0(1.6) 36.9(0.8) 23.5(2.9) 26.6(0.7) 17.9(1.3) 38.1(0.8) 21.5(2.0) 27.4(0.6) 17.7(1.4)
BUN (mg/dL) 12.7(0.1) 13.6(0.2) 12.7(0.1) 12.9(0.2) 0.005 12.7(0.1) 13.9(0.4) 12.6(0.1) 13.0(0.2) 0.002 12.7(0.1) 13.5(0.3) 12.7(0.1) 13.0(0.2) 0.009
Scr (mg/dL) 0.9(0.0) 0.8(0.0) 0.9(0.0) 0.8(0.0) <0.001 0.9(0.0) 0.8(0.0) 0.8(0.0) 0.8(0.0) <0.001 0.9(0.0) 0.8(0.0) 0.8(0.0) 0.8(0.0) <0.001
Protein intake (gm) 87.1(0.6) 73.5(1.8) 87.5(0.7) 77.8(1.5) <0.001 90.0(0.6) 84.3(2.8) 82.4(0.7) 75.4(1.3) <0.001 89.9(0.6) 79.1(1.9) 84.1(0.6) 75.6(1.4) <0.001
Energy intake (kcal/day) 2319.6 (11.4) 1836.9 (35.5) 2303.8 (16.5) 2056.6 (34.7) <0.001 2396.2 (12.5) 2038.7
2175.2 (15.7) 1977.9 (26.9) <0.001 2393.6 (12.7) 1956.3
2224.2 (14.0) 1992.4 (29.5) <0.001
Hypertension (%) 24.7(0.6) 48.8(2.1) 43.3(0.8) 55.7(1.9) <0.001 23.4(0.5) 40.7(3.3) 41.6(0.8) 54.7(1.5) <0.001 20.0(0.5) 39.8(2.4) 41.6(0.7) 57.0(1.6) <0.001
Diabetes (%) 5.0(0.2) 16.8(1.3) 14.6(0.5) 26.8(1.4) <0.001 5.4(0.3) 18.8(2.4) 11.9(0.4) 23.7(1.2) <0.001 3.5(0.2) 11.3(1.3) 12.6(0.4) 26.6(1.4) <0.001
Hyperlipidemia (%) 61.6(0.6) 79.9(1.6) 79.8(0.6) 82.8(1.4) <0.001 59.7(0.6) 74.6(2.9) 79.2(0.6) 82.6(1.2) <0.001 55.9(0.6) 76.2(2.3) 79.3(0.6) 83.4(1.2) <0.001

LLM, low lean mass; BMI, body mass index; BF%, body fat percentage; WC, waist circumference; PIR, poverty income ratio; BUN, blood urea nitrogen; SCr, serum creatinine.