Distribution of type A Xeno/Poly recombinant provirus. (A) Specific oligonucleotide probe for the type A Xeno/Poly recombinant proviruses. The nucleotide sequence of the type A Xeno/Poly recombinant provirus is compared with analogous regions of xenotropic (NZB) (37), polytropic (MX27) (42), and modified polytropic (MX33) (42) proviruses. The sequence of the specific probe, KT-45, is underlined. Unique restriction recognition sites are boxed. (B) Detection of type A Xeno/Poly recombinant proviruses. Unblotting was performed by using PvuII-, EcoRI-, or BamHI-digested genomic DNAs. Lanes: a, AKR/J; b, HRS/J; c, C3H/HeJ; d, C57BL/6J; e, CAST/Ei (M. m. castaneus); f, CZECH II/Ei (M. m. musculus); g, MOLC/Rk (M. m. molossinus); h, MOLF/Ei (M. m. molossinus); i, MOLG/Dn (M. m. molossinus); j, WSB/Ei (M. m. domesticus); k, ZALENDE/Ei (M. m. domesticus). The approximate positions of molecular markers are shown on the right. Arrows indicate comigrating bands among different subspecies of mice.