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. 2023 Feb 23;79(5):1158–1179. doi: 10.1097/HEP.0000000000000341


Application of spatial metabolomics in the study of liver pathophysiology and its implication in zonation

Sample/study description Technique Metabolic differences Year References
Liver tissue from obese normal, simple steatosis and NASH of class III obese women MALDI-MSI • Zonal distributions for 32, 34, and 36 carbon PC in controls lost in simple steatosis or NASH 2013 Wattacheril et al131
Primary liver cells from ethanol-treated and silymarin-treated mice MFD-MD • Hydrogen peroxide, glutathione, and cysteine were detected simultaneously with high specificity and sensitivity
• Identification of significant cell diversity or cell heterogeneity among primary liver cells
2016 Li et al132
Liver tissue from mice under HFD, WD, and MCD; human liver biopsies from control, simple steatosis, NASH, and patients with cirrhosis MALDI-MSI • Zonal location of arachidonic acid-containing phospholipids; loss of lipid zonation in NASH 2017 Hall et al133
Fresh frozen human liver biopsies from obese subjects undergoing bariatric surgery with various degrees of NAFLD MALDI-TOF MSI • Marked differences between spatially resolved lipid profiles from nonsteatotic and steatotic tissues
• PI and arachidonic acid metabolism in nonsteatotic regions
• LDL and VLDL metabolism associated with steatotic tissue
2018 Ščupáková et al134
Human liver biopsies from control, simple steatosis, NASH, and patients with cirrhosis Au-CBS-LDI MS • Differential distribution of TGs: in low steatosis levels, TG accumulated around the pericentral zone
• Macro lipid droplets hepatocytes enriched in fully saturated TG
• In NASH and cirrhosis biopsies, TG enrichment observed in ballooned areas
2019 Alamri et al135
Liver tissue from mice exposed or not to a single dose of B[a]P MALDI-MSI • B[a]P exposed mice with an altered abundance of PI, PC, TG, PE, LysoPEs, LysoPC, FFA, and eicosanoids 2020 Li et al136
Liver tissue from mice under HFD (Au)LDI−MS • The lipogenic activity is shown to be regiospecific and not always associated with the TG pool size in a given region 2020 Downes et al137
OCT-embedded and snap-frozen wild-type mouse and human fibrotic liver tissues TOF-SIMS • Different ion species associated as metabolic markers for different liver cell types:
 – hepatocytes: m/z 255, 279, and 281
 – endothelial cells: m/z 60, 76, and 77
 – KCs: m/z 134, 181, and 91
• Hepatocytes subclassified by C1–C4 each presenting different metabolic fingerprints:
• hepatocytes C1 localized around the CV and near fibrotic boundaries, and associated with metabolic markers m/z 69, 55, and 57
2021 Yuan et a.138
Differentiated human hepatocytes cell line; liver tissue from mice under WD MALDI-MSI • Steatotic hepatocytes presented aberrant accumulation of lipid droplets and neutral lipids (TG and DG), and glycerophospholipid ER-enrichment
• Inflammatory steatotic hepatocytes with increased sphingomyelins
2021 Rappez et al139
Liver tissues from mice exposed to third-hand smoke treated or not with antioxidants LDI-MSI • Third-hand smoke-exposed mice presented increased TG and decreased PC and SM lipid species, accumulating in larger and more abundant lipid droplets
• Third-hand smoke mainly dysregulated glutathione metabolism, D-glutamine and D-glutamate metabolism, and oxidative phosphorylation
2021 Torres et al140
Liver tissue from mice under HFD treated with Eurycoma longifolia DESI-MSI E. longifolia downregulated lipid accumulation and FA biosynthesis, and induced changes in amino acids, organic acids, phospholipids, and glycerolipids 2021 Zhang et al141
Liver tissue from mice exposed to aristolochic acid I Atmospheric pressure-MALDI-MSI • Aristolochic acid I-induced hepatotoxicity associated with changes in taurine, hypotaurine, glycerophospholipid, D-glutamine, D-glutamate, and arachidonic acid metabolisms 2021 Guo et al142
Liver tissues from mice under LFD, HFD, and WD; human FFPE liver biopsy samples from NASH patients MALDI-MSI N-glycan structures upregulated in portal triad area
N-glycosylation modifications correlated with fibrosis score and liver histology changes
2022 Ochoa-rios et al143
Liver tissue from mice under fasting conditions, ND, and HFD MALDI-MSI • Hepatocyte FA enrichment dependent on proximity to vasculature
• HFD disrupted tissue metabolic compartmentalization
• Lipid droplets accumulated away from the vasculature and glutathione increased in extravascular regions
• HFD associated with oxidative stress, PPP, and purine metabolism
2022 Stopka et al70

Abbreviations: (Au)LDI-MS, gold-laser desorption/ionization mass spectrometry; Au-CBS-LDI MS, sodium-doped gold-assisted laser desorption ionization mass spectrometry; B[a]P, benzo[a]pyrene; CV, central vein; DG, diglyceride; ER, endoplasmic reticulum; FA, fatty acid; FFA, free fatty acid; FFPE, formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded; HFCD, high-fat choline-deficient diet; HFD, high-fat diet; HFHD, high-fat high-calorie diet; LFD, low-fat diet; MALDI, matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization; MCD, methionine–choline-deficient diet; MFD-MD, multicolor fluorescence detection-based microfluidic device; MSI, mass spectrometry imaging; OCT, optimal cutting temperature compound; PC, phosphatidylcholine; PE, phosphotidylethanolamine; PI, phosphatidylinositol; PPP, pentose phosphate pathway; SIMS, secondary ion mass spectrometry; TG, triglyceride; TOF, time-of-flight; WD, Western diet.