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. 2024 Apr 16;24:416. doi: 10.1186/s12909-024-05352-y

Table 4.

Best matching articles by cluster

Cluster Article titles

A biologist examines the mind and behavior

Psychosurgery today: psychiatric aspects

Serotonin, cerebral blood flow, and cerebral metabolic rate in geriatric major depression and normal aging

Changes in regional cerebral blood flow elicited by craving memories in abstinent opiate-dependent subjects

Frontal lobotomy in early schizophrenia. Long follow-up in 415 cases

The dementia of dementia praecox

Effect of schizophrenia on frontotemporal activity during word encoding and recognition: a PET cerebral blood flow study

Sertraline. A review of its pharmacodynamic and pharmacokinetic properties, and therapeutic potential in depression and obsessive–compulsive disorder

Limbic activation during cue-induced cocaine craving

Mechanisms of lithium action

An evaluation of bimedial leucotomy

Estrogen-serotonin interactions: implications for affective regulation

Initial masking of organic brain changes by psychic symptoms: clinical and electroencephalographic studies

A long-term follow-up of schizophrenics treated with regressive ECT

Transduction of psychosocial stress into the neurobiology of recurrent affective disorder

Dopamine receptor binding predicts clinical and pharmacological potencies of antischizophrenic drugs

Social psychiatry

The ethics of care and treatment of sex offenders

Three types of peer tutoring: effects on the attitudes of students with learning disabilities and their regular class peers

Comorbidity of personality disorders and depression: implications for treatment

Longitudinal patterns of anxiety from childhood to adulthood: the Great Smoky Mountains Study

Empathy: misconceptions and misuses in psychotherapy

The psychotherapeutic utility of the five-factor model of personality: a clinician's experience

Escalation of aggression: experimental studies

Substance abuse and adolescent suicidal behavior

Demonstrating translational research for mental health services: an example from stigma research

An improved detoxification technique for heroin addicts

Dealing with our losses

Group therapies for nursing home adults: an evaluation of two treatment approaches

Empirically supported treatments for children with phobic and anxiety disorders: current status

Increased depressive ratings in patients with hepatitis C receiving interferon-alpha-based immunotherapy are related to interferon-alpha-induced changes in the serotonergic system

Cognitive-behavioral treatment of school phobia

Preliminary report on the application of contingent reinforcement procedures (token economy) on a "chronic" psychiatric ward


The reinforcement of behavior in institutional settings

The effects of social skills training and peer involvement on the social adjustment of preadolescents

The consequences of open and closed adoption for older children

Clinical considerations in group treatment of narcissistic disorders

Behavior therapy and sex therapy

Administrative psychiatry

Citizen participation in the development of a community mental health center

The right to refuse treatment with antipsychotic medications: retrospect and prospect

Field trial for autistic disorder in DSM-IV

Gaps in doctor-patient communication. Patients' response to medical advice

The physician-elderly patient-companion triad in the medical encounter: the development of a conceptual framework and research agenda

Discussion of medical errors in morbidity and mortality conferences

Performance of screening and diagnostic tests. Application of receiver operating characteristic analysis

Treating substance-use disorders among physicians

Limitations of listing specific medical interventions in advance directives

On wearing two hats: role conflict in serving as both psychotherapist and expert witness

The ethics of therapeutic modality choice

Routine laboratory testing for medical disorders in psychiatric inpatients

Pharmaceutical care role model in psychiatry–pharmacist prescribing

Application of the predictive value model in the analysis of test effectiveness

Death due to treatment

Predictive validity of certification by the American Board of Internal Medicine

Child psychiatry

Ontogenetic development of the human sleep-dream cycle

Incontinence and enuresis

Comorbidity of parental anxiety disorders as risk for childhood-onset anxiety in inhibited children

The effectiveness of group psychotherapy with children

Short-term group psychotherapy for children: an overview

Anxiety sensitivity and panic disorder

Tests of competency to consent to treatment

Developmental dyscalculia: a brief report on four cases

The borderline diagnosis in adolescents: symptoms and developmental history

The adolescent and the "hidden" parent

A follow-up report on children who had atypical sexual experience

A general test of motor impairment for children

Conditions for versatile learning, Helmholtz's unconscious inference, and the task of perception

Adult Psychiatry

Schizophrenia in the National Academy of Sciences-National Research Council Twin Registry: a 16-year update

Psychosis as a state of aberrant salience: a framework linking biology, phenomenology, and pharmacology in schizophrenia

Patient refusal of hydration and nutrition. An alternative to physician-assisted suicide or voluntary active euthanasia

Alcohol and temporal lobe dysfunction. Some of its psychomotor equivalents

Defeminization and adult psychological well-being among male homosexuals

Commonly prescribed medications and potential false-positive urine drug screens

Shame and humiliation in the medical encounter

Detection, prevention and retardation of menopausal osteoporosis

Unmet service needs in methadone maintenance

Overview: the "wife-beater's wife" reconsidered

Morbidity following sudden and unexpected bereavement

The value of psychiatric treatment: its efficacy in severe mental disorders


The irritable bowel syndrome. A clinical review and ethical considerations

Predictors of posttraumatic stress disorder and symptoms in adults: a meta-analysis


Psychoendocrine research on sexual orientation. Current status and future options

Efficacy of combinations of intramuscular antipsychotics and sedative-hypnotics for control of psychotic agitation

Neuroleptic-associated tardive syndromes

Contemporary conversion reactions: a clinical study

Psychiatric observations under severe chronic stress

Psychoanalytic psychiatry

Comorbidity of personality disorders and depression: implications for treatment

A biologist examines the mind and behavior

Etiological factors in female transsexualism: a first approximation

Social influences on "self-stimulatory" behavior: analysis and treatment application

The psychotherapeutic utility of the five-factor model of personality: a clinician's experience

How effective are interventions with caregivers? An updated meta-analysis

Personality disorders and treatment outcome in the NIMH Treatment of Depression Collaborative Research Program

Thumb and finger sucking

A self-control behavior therapy program for depression

A verbal group technique for ego-disturbed children: action to words

Behavior therapy and sex therapy

Child care and attachment: a new frontier the second time around

Activity-interview group psychotherapy: theory, principles, and practice

Psychotherapy of borderline psychotic children

A study of Fairbairn's theory of schizoid reactions

Contemporary conversion reactions: a clinical study

Group therapy for schizophrenia: a practical approach

Clinical considerations in group treatment of narcissistic disorders

A developmental-genetic analysis of common fears from early adolescence to early adulthood