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. 2014 May 22;2014(5):CD004772. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD004772.pub4

ANRS 12206‐ MONOD.

Trial name or title ANRS 12206 – MONOD: International phase 2b‐3 randomised clinical trial to assess two once‐daily simplified antiretroviral triple therapies among HIV‐infected children early treated by a 12‐month twice daily triple therapy between 6 weeks and 24 months of age and in virological success in Africa: the MONOD Project (Burkina Faso, Ivory Coast, Rwanda)
Methods Open label randomised clinical trial
Participants Inclusion Criteria for antiretroviral treatment initiation:
 ‐ infant follow‐up in one of the trial sites
 ‐ HIV‐1 infection diagnosed by RT PCR after 6 weeks of life
 ‐ age between 3 and 12 month at antiretroviral treatment initiation
 ‐ antiretroviral‐naive except if received for the prevention of mother to child HIV transmission
 ‐ HB>=7 g/dl, neutrophils>750/mm3, creatinine<3xULN, TGO and TGP<3xULN
 ‐ signed informed consent
 Exclusion Criteria for antiretroviral treatment initiation:
 ‐ HIV‐2 infection or HIV‐1/HIV‐2 co‐infection
 ‐ Known intolerance to one of the trial treatments
 ‐ HB<7 g/dl, neutrophils<750/mm3, creatinine>3xULN, TGO or TGP>3xULN
Inclusion Criteria for randomisation at 12 months in the simplification phase:
 ‐ age 24 months at most
 ‐ virological success, defined as 2 consecutive undetectable HIV RNA measured by RT PCR at least 3 months apart.
 Exclusion Criteria for randomisation at 12 months in the simplification phase:
 ‐ virological failure after the first 12 months of antiretroviral treatment
Interventions Drug: AZT‐3TC‐LPV/r twice a day
 Drug: ABC‐3TC‐EFV once a day
 Drug: ABC‐3TC‐LPV/r once a day
Outcomes Primary Outcome Measures:
‐ Virological success at 25 months (HIV RNA < 50 copies / mL)
 Secondary Outcome Measures:
‐ Virological success at 12 months (HIV RNA < 400 copies / mL)
 ‐ Immunological response at 12 and 25 months (CD4+ lymphocyte absolute count and percentage)
 ‐ Antiretroviral and cotrimoxazole pharmacokinetic parameters at 6, 19 and 25 months.
 ‐ Tolerance at 12 and 25 month (occurrence of grade 3 and 4 adverse events related to the trial treatment, particularly occurrence of immune reconstitution inflammatory syndrome)
 ‐ Adherence at 12 and 25 months
 ‐ Resistance to antiretroviral at 12 and 25 months
Starting date June 2011
Contact information Dr. Valeriane Leroy Valeriane.leroy@isped.u‐