Figure 5.
HSCT-treated GC/JAK3 patients without IVIG replacement therapy have nasopharyngeal microbiota dysbiosis. (A) Unsupervised principal coordinate (PC) analysis of 16S RNA sequencing Operational Taxonomic Units of the HC and HSCT-treated SCID patients along the first two PC axes, based on Bray-Curtis distances. The respective PERMANOVA test showing that nasopharynx microbiota from SCIDX/JAK3 patients is significantly different from HC. (B) The beta (β) diversity, calculated by using the Bray-Curtis, Jaccard, and Euclidean distances, among subjects according to group. (C) The alpha (α) diversity, calculated by using the Shannon index and Simpson index, in healthy and HSCT-treated SCID patients. Mean and standard error of mean values are indicated. (D) Bar plot showing the mean of the microbiota genus abundance (%) in healthy and HSCT-treated SCID patients. (E-F) Individual genus abundance (%) plots for selected ‘protective’ (E) and ‘pathobiont’ (F) genera in healthy and HSCT-treated SCID patients. (G) Individual S pneumoniae (%) plot in healthy and HSCT-treated SCID patients σ. (H) Individual correlation plot between Streptococcus genus abundance (%) and Dolosigranulum genus abundance (%). Panels B, E, F, and G: box plots with median ± minimum to maximum. P values were determined with the Kruskal-Wallis test followed by Dunn's posttest for multiple group comparisons; *P < .05, **P < .005, ***P < .001. In panel H, σ represents Spearman coefficient and p the P value. n.s., not significant.