Fig. 1. Associations between maternal biomarkers and infant mortality.
A Kaplan–Meier estimates for the association between maternal HIV viremia in the second trimester and infant mortality through 18 months. HIV-unexposed children are shown with black line for reference. Red: HIV-exposed, maternal HIV viral load undetectable; blue: HIV-exposed, maternal HIV viral load detectable. B Predictive probability of child mortality with increasing antenatal HIV viral load in the second trimester. Graph shows point estimates with 95% error bars. C Kaplan–Meier estimates for the association between maternal C-reactive protein in the second trimester and infant mortality through 18 months. HIV-unexposed children are shown with a black line for reference. Red: HIV-exposed, maternal C-reactive protein below median value; blue: HIV-exposed, maternal C-reactive protein above median value. D Predictive probability of child mortality with increasing antenatal C-reactive protein in the second trimester. Graph shows point estimates with 95% error bars. E Kaplan–Meier estimates for the association between maternal soluble CD14 in the second trimester and infant mortality through 18 months. HIV-unexposed children are shown with a black line for reference. Red: HIV-exposed, maternal soluble CD14 below median value; blue: HIV-exposed, maternal soluble CD14 above median value. F Predictive probability of child mortality with increasing antenatal soluble CD14 in the second trimester. The graph shows point estimates with 95% error bars. G Kaplan–Meier estimates for the association between maternal CMV viral load in the second trimester and infant mortality through 18 months. HIV-unexposed children are shown with a black line for reference. Red: HIV-exposed, maternal CMV viral load undetectable; blue: HIV-exposed, maternal CMV viral load <45 copies/mL; green: CMV viral load ≥45 copies/mL. H Predictive probability of child mortality with increasing antenatal CMV viral load in the second trimester. The graph shows point estimates with 95% error bars, CMV: cytomegalovirus; CRP: C-reactive protein; sCD14: soluble CD14; VL: viral load. Source data are provided as a Source Data file.