©Xinchun Gu, Conall Watson, Utkarsh Agrawal, Heather Whitaker, William H. Elson, Sneha Anand, Ray Borrow, Anna Buckingham, Elizabeth Button, Lottie Curtis, Dominic Dunn, Alex J. Elliot, Filipa Ferreira, Rosalind Goudie, Uy Hoang, Katja Hoschler, Gavin Jamie, Debasish Kar, Beatrix Kele, Meredith Leston, Ezra Linley, Jack Macartney, Gemma L Marsden, Cecilia Okusi, Omid Parvizi, Catherine Quinot, Praveen Sebastianpillai, Vanashree Sexton, Gillian Smith, Timea Suli, Nicholas P B Thomas, Catherine Thompson, Daniel Todkill, Rashmi Wimalaratna, Matthew Inada-Kim, Nick Andrews, Victoria Tzortziou-Brown, Rachel Byford, Maria Zambon, Jamie Lopez-Bernal, Simon de Lusignan. Originally published in JMIR Public Health and Surveillance (https://publichealth.jmir.org), 03.04.2024.
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