Fig. 1.
DNA-based molecular classifier for profiling of gene expression signatures. A Universal workflow for DNA-based molecular classifier to interpretation of gene expression signatures. B Process of asymmetric PCR and associative strand displacement to capture relative relationship of low-concentration RNAs and convert them to general coding input. C Asymmetric PCR for different concentrations of miRNAs. D Plot of fluorescence at cycle 52 versus logarithm base 2 of initial miRNA concentrations. = 0.9974. E Native PAGE performed to analyze PCR products derived from different initial concentrations of miRNA. F Fluorescence kinetics experiments for various concentrations of ssDNA are transformed into programmable inputs. G Plots of Steady-state fluorescence intensity versus initial ssDNA concentrations. = 0.9938. H miRNAs are transformed into programmable inputs by asymmetric PCR and associative strand displacement. As expected, we observed a linear relationship between logarithm base 2 of initial miRNA concentrations and concentration of input. = 0.9913