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. 2024 Apr 18;10:10.18332/tpc/186402. doi: 10.18332/tpc/186402

Table 3.

Included vulnerable groups and related actions in the current strategies among European tobacco endgame countries

Country Vulnerable population groups are included in the strategy Examples of actions on vulnerable groups (either general or specific groups)
Belgium Minors, social groups consuming more tobacco, patients with psychiatric disorders General: close co-operation with health care and social care to ensure proximity to the most vulnerable groups, educational support in quitting assistance in different sites (school, work, healthcare, local government, leisure).
Multicultural origin: setting up smoking cessation centers in hospitals and strengthening the link between tobacco specialist and hospitals. Youth: smoke-free environments.
Finland Youth, pregnancy, mental health patients, low socio-economic position, unemployed General: supporting smoking cessation in groups where smoking is common. Youth: raising minimum age, sport club tobacco and nicotine use prevention, tobacco-free playgrounds and beaches.
France Children/youth, pregnancy, low socio-economic position, low income, unemployment, incarcerated people, mental health patients General: strengthen the support for smoking cessation, strengthen the accessibility of nicotine replacement therapies; ‘Tobacco-free Healthcare Facilities’ including mental health facilities and maternity wards, smoke-free environments for incarcerated people.
Children: reduce the attractiveness and availability of tobacco and nicotine products, facilitate support for smoking cessation (especially in vocational schools), promote non-smoking areas around entrance areas of education establishments.
Ireland Children, young adults, retired, low socio-economic position, pregnancy General: smoking cessation staff trained to deal with specific groups. Children: smoke-free environment (schools, child care), prohibit sale in events for those aged <18 years, campaigns.
The Netherlands Children/youth, pregnancy, low socio-economic position Children: smoke-free environment (schools, zoos, sports clubs).
Pregnancy: smoke-free-pregnancy campaign, cessation training courses.
Norway Children/youth, pregnancy, immigrant groups, low socio-economic position General: national tobacco cessation program to reduce inequalities in health.
Slovenia Children/youth, pregnancy, hospitalized/mental health patients, low socio-economic position General: equal access to programs on prevention of initiation and cessation regardless of age, gender and socio-economic position, education and geography, campaigns on smoking cessation aimed at vulnerable groups, extension of smoke/aerosol-free places.
Children: school programs.
Sweden Children, socio-economic groups, ethnic background, age, gender, sexual orientation Minors: supervision of tobacco and nicotine products, prevention work in schools.
UK: England Youth, pregnancy, mental health, low socio-economic position (income, occupation), ethnicity, incarcerated people Young people: prohibiting selling tobacco products for anyone born on or after 1 January 2009, restricting the flavors and description and the sale of vapes, point-of-sale display regulation for vapes, regulating vape packaging. Pregnancy: brochures and behavioral support for pregnant smokers to stop smoking, guidance on how to help quit, CO testing.
Mental health: materials for staff, gather evidence how to reduce prevalence and integrate services.
UK: Scotland Young people, pregnancy, low socio-economic position, incarcerated people, mental health patients Young people: raising the age of sale, marketing campaigns.
Prison: integrated smoking cessation services.
Pregnancy: support for smoking cessation.