In vitro residence stability and drug release behavior of F127-g-Gelatin hydrogels and in vivo biodistribution of aPD-1 released from F127-g-Gelatin thermosensitive hydrogels. (A) Dry SEM image of dry 4.5 wt% F127-g-Gelatin hydrogel. (B) In vitro residence stability of 4.5 wt% bare F127-g-Gelatin hydrogel (n = 3–4). (C) In vitro residence stability of 4.5 wt% F127-g-Gelatin hydrogel (300 μL) containing Vem (0.7 mg mL− 1 in the F127-g-Gelatin hydrogel) (n = 4). (D) In vitro Vem release behaviors from 4.5 wt% F127-g-Gelatin hydrogel (300 μL) containing Vem (0.7 mg mL− 1 in the F127-g-Gelatin hydrogel) (n = 4). (E) CMC measurement of F127-g-Gelatin at 25 °C and 37 °C with (w/) or without (w/o) Vem. CMC is the intersection of two distinctive linear lines determined by ratiometric fluorescence (373 nm/383 nm) of pyrenes. (F) In vitro residence stability of 4.5 wt% F127-g-Gelatin hydrogel (300 μL) containing aPD-1-TRITC (0.6 mg mL− 1 in the F127-g-Gelatin hydrogel) (n = 4). (G) In vitro Vem release behaviors from 4.5 wt% F127-g-Gelatin hydrogel (300 μL) containing aPD-1-TRITC (0.6 mg mL− 1 in the F127-g-Gelatin hydrogel) (n = 4). (H) F127-g-Gelatin concentration-dependent fluorescence of aPD-1-TRITC (n = 3). (I) Correlation graph between hydrogel degradation and Vem/ aPD-1-TRITC release (n = 3–4). (J,K) In vivo local and systemic biodistribution of aPD-1 released from F127-g-Gelatin thermosensitive hydrogels. Free aPD-1-AF647, free aPD-1-AF647 in the presence of Vem, aPD-1-AF647 with 4.5 wt% F127-g-Gelatin hydrogel, aPD-1-AF647 with 4.5 wt% F127-g-Gelatin hydrogel containing Vem (Vem and aPD-1 dose equivalent to 10 mg kg− 1 and 100 μg mouse− 1, respectively) (n = 4) were administered into the tumor established with D4M 5 × 105 cells in 30 μL saline on day 0. Mice were sacrificed on day 1, 4, and 7. Biodistribution of aPD-1 in (J) tumor, and (K) blood. Data are presented as (A-I) mean ± SD or (J,K) mean ± SEM. Two-way ANOVA using Tukey post-hoc statistical hypothesis was employed for (B-D,F,G,J,K). ****p < 0.0001, ***p < 0.001, **p < 0.01, and *p < 0.05. N.S. means “Non Significant”.