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. 2024 Apr 5;15:1365602. doi: 10.3389/fendo.2024.1365602

Table 1.

Expression pattern of LCN2 in murine female and male reproductive tract.

Organ Expression Detection method Localization Reference
Vagina +++ Northern blot NA1 (26)
Uterus +++ Northern blot NA2 (24)
+++ Northern blot NA3 (23)
+++ Northern blot, IHCa luminal epithelium (day 19 of pregnancy) and glandular epithelium (postpartum) (13)
+++ Northern blot NA1 (26)
+++ Northern blot, Western blotb, IHCc luminal and glandular epithelial cells of the endometrium (27)
+++ Western blotd NA1 (29)
+++ Northern blot NA4 (25)
+++ Western blote uterotubular junction (30)
++ IHCf luminal and glandular epithelial cells (31)
Ovary Northern blot NA1 (26)
+ RT-qPCR, Western blotg, IHCf, IFf Corpus luteum 5 (31)
Testis Northern blot NA1 (26)
+/- Northern blot, RT-PCR Germ and somatic cell fraction6 (32)
+/- PCR, Southern blot, Western bloth Sertoli cells7 and spermatogonial cells8 (33)
++ Western Bloti, RT-PCR Leydig cells (34)
++ In situ hybridization, Western blotj Leydig cells (35)
++ In situ hybridization Leydig cells (36)
++ RT-qPCR, Western blotg, IHCf, IFf Leydig cells (31)
Epididymis +++ Northern blot NA1 (26)
+++ Northern blot, Western blotk epithelial cells and epididymal lumen (37)
+++ Western blot caput epididymis (38)
Prostate Northern blot NA1 (26)

IF, immunofluorescence; NA, not applicable; IHC, immunohistochemistry; 1whole tissue lysates were used; 2the whole uterus at the time of birth was analyzed; 3the whole uterus of pregnant females was analyzed; 4postpartum involuting uterus; 5no cell type confirmed but single cells in the Corpus luteum were positive in IHC; whole tissue lysate was used for Western Blot and RT-qPCR. 6Northern blot analysis of wild type testis showed no expression of Lcn2 (at different ages), but expression of Lcn2 was detected by RT-PCR in testicular gonadal cells (isolated via fluorescence-activated cell sorting) from 13.5-dpc and 3-week-old wild type mice in germ cells and the somatic fraction; 7a barely detectable level was found in primary Sertoli cells alone (isolated from 7-day-old mice), but a strong expression was observed in coculture with spermatogonial cells and after treatment with spermatogonial-conditioned medium; 8defined as the c-Kit+ cell fraction. afixation in 2% paraformaldehyde, antibody: self-made in rabbits; bself-made rabbit antibody; cfixation in Bouin’s solution, self-made rabbit antibody; dself-made rabbit antibody; erabbit polyclonal anti-LCN2 antibody (#sc-50351, Santa Cruz Biotechnology); ffixation in 4% neutral buffered formaldehyde (stabilized with methanol), polyclonal goat anti-LCN2 antibody (#AF3508; R&D Systems; 1:40 for IHC); gpolyclonal goat anti-LCN2 antibody (#AF3508; R&D Systems; 1:800); hpolyclonal goat anti-LCN2 antibody (#AF1857, R&D Systems); imonoclonal rat anti-LCN2 antibody (#MAB1857, R&D Systems; 1 µg/ml); janti-LCN2 antibody (no product number indicated, Abcam, 1:1000); kself-made in rabbit antibody. Symbols mean: -, no expression; +/-, very low expression; +, low expression; ++, moderate expression; +++, strong expression.