Tumour antigen-specific response during DCVAC/PCa treatment in the peripheral blood. a The frequency of PSA-specific T cells at both tested time points (DCVAC-4 and DCVAC-12) was significantly increased, *p < 0.05, as well as the maintenance of stable levels of T cells specific against MAGE-A1 (b) and MAGE-A3 (c), was detected. Concentrations of IgG antibodies against PSA (d) and MAGE-A3 (e) were measured in the patients’ sera. The cut-off value (red line) designating a positive reaction was calculated as the mean OD of the 15 healthy control human sera + 3SD. f The increase in the frequency of PSA-specific T cells in the subsequent DCVAC/PCa cycle, *p < 0.05, and maintenance of stable levels of T cells specific against MAGE-A1 (g) and MAGE-A3 (h)