IFN-γ is minimally required for CD40-activated Mϕ-1 to promote tumor cell invasion. a Result from flow cytometry analysis shows the expression level of CD40 in THP-1 cells treated for 48 h with vehicle (Ve), LPS, IFN-γ, and IFN-γ + LPS, in the presence of G8.5 (αCD40) or isotype-matched antibody. Compared with the effects of LPS and IFN-γ alone, combined IFN-γ/LPS induced higher expression levels of CD40. b Result from flow cytometry analysis shows the level of cell death (percent of PI positive cells). EN-1078D cells were stimulated for 48 h with control media or CM from THP-1 cells treated with PBS (Ve), LPS, IFN-γ, and IFN-γ + LPS, in the presence of αCD40 or isotype-matched antibody, and then stained with PI solution. c Result from invasion assays shows the number of invasive cells/field after 48 h of co-culture of Hec1A cells with THP-1 cells treated with PBS (Ve), LPS, IFN-γ, and IFN-γ + LPS, in the presence of αCD40 or isotype-matched antibody. * p < 0.05 and ** p < 0.01 denote significant difference between groups