Fig. 2.
Advanced intracerebral (ic) B16-F10-luc2 melanomas are followed by luciferase bioluminescence as a function of time following the implantation of 250 B16-F10-luc2 cells and either 22.5 Gy RT alone or 22.5 Gy RT plus IT. a, b 22.5 Gy RT-Only (N = 8), c, d 22.5 Gy RT plus IT (N = 9). a, c Tumors >106 photons/min measured 7 days after ic tumor cell implantation. b, d Tumors <106 photons/min measured 7 days after ic tumor cell implantation. Each line represents one mouse. The data represent the results of a single experiment. Note: For the mouse represented by the purple X, the last bioluminescent assay was day 162 at which time the signal was starting to rise. Death occurred on D180 and TTP was ~D140. For the mouse represented by the light blue X, the last bioluminescent assay was done on D225. Death occurred on D272 and TTP was ~D225