Fig. 2.
Cytokine profile of DCs matured in the presence of oncolysate and different bacterial stimuli. Immature DCs were activated with IFN-α, rhGM-CSF and oncolysate obtained from the glioblastoma cell line T98G for short time (4 h) in the presence of pure LPS (200 ng/mL) or BGs from E. coli Nissle 1917 (10 and 100 BGs/1DC) prior to measuring cytokine production in supernatants collected after 24 h (white bars) and 48 h (gray bars) incubations. Cells activated with oncolysate alone and without additional bacterial stimuli served as negative controls. The levels of cytokines released from DCs—a IL-12p70, b IFN-γ, c TNF-α, d IL-6, e IL-10 and f IL-1β were measured using a FACSArray Bioanalyzer. Box-and-whisker plots of the data obtained in four independent experiments from different normal healthy donors are shown. Boxes represent interquartile ranges; the horizontal bar within each box indicates the median; whiskers show the minimum and the maximum. P values <0.05 were considered significant and are indicated with asterisks (*P < 0.05; **P < 0.01; ***P < 0.001)