Table 1.
Study objectives and associated endpoints
Primary objective | Primary endpoint |
To assess whether a restrictive use of PR, in comparison to a systematic use, decreases delirium duration during the first 14 days after randomisation. | Delirium or coma-free days are defined by the number of days alive without delirium (measured by CAM-ICU) or coma (measured by RASS) during the first 14 days (day 14) after randomisation (day 0). |
Secondary objectives | Secondary endpoints |
To evaluate the effect of restrictive use of PR between day 0 and day 14 on:
To evaluate the effect of restrictive use of PR until ICU Discharge on:
To evaluate the effect of restrictive use of PR at day 90 (after inclusion) on the global assessment of motor and cognitive functions and post-traumatic stress disorder . |
CAM-ICU, Confusion Assessment Method for Intensive Care Unit; FAB, Frontal Assessment Battery; FIM, Functional Independence Measurement; GOS-E, Glasgow Outcome Scale-Extended; IESR, Impact of Events Scale-Revised; MV, mechanical ventilation; PR, Physical Restraints; RASS, Richmond Agitation Sedation Scale; SOMS, Surgical intensive care unit Optimal Mobilisation Score .