Fig. 1.
Effect of ch14.18-LTα therapy on subcutaneous and pulmonary metastases. In C57BL/6J LTα−/− mice (a, b) or splenectomized LTα−/− mice (c, d, e) pulmonary metastases (a) were induced by i.v. injection of 1.5 × 106 and subcutaneous tumors (b–e) by s.c. injection of 1 × 106 B78-D14 melanoma cells. Therapy with 32 μg ch14.18-LTα for 5 or 7 (c–e) consecutive days was started on day 3 (a, b) or day 11 (c–e) after tumor cell inoculation. Control animals received 10 ng sLTα. Experiments depicted in a and b were each performed with seven animals (four fusion protein treated, three controls), in (c) with 17 animals (nine fusion protein treated, eight controls). On day 19 after therapy cessation the number of metastatic foci on the lung surface was determined (a). Individual subcutaneous tumor volumes of mice receiving 32 μg ch14.18-LTα (closed symbols) or 10 ng sLTα (open symbols) are plotted against time (b and c). Macroscopic appearance of tumors on day 7 after therapy cessation is depicted for animals treated with 10 ng sLTα (d) or 32 μg ch14.18-LTα (e)