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[Preprint]. 2024 Apr 9:2024.04.07.588391. [Version 1] doi: 10.1101/2024.04.07.588391

Figure 2:

Figure 2:

QPPs from sliding window pattern detection algorithm. A) QPP waveforms during 1 full cycle for all 8 cortical networks. DMN: default mode network, DAN: Dorsal attention network, FPN: frontoparietal network, VIS: visual network, SOM: somatomotor network, LIM: limbic network, SCN: subcortical network, VAN: ventral attention network. B) Squared difference between each network and the DMN for the same cycle. C) QPP waveforms for the DMN, DAN, and the two regions where group-level differences were noted in improv musicians: the visual network and amygdala. D) Squared difference between the same subset of networks for each group.