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[Preprint]. 2024 Apr 10:2023.05.10.23289777. [Version 2] doi: 10.1101/2023.05.10.23289777

Table 1.

Model descriptive statistics on 28 of 62 covariates, which have significant (p<.05/62) PGS-covariate interaction terms, in UKBB EUR. The third column is the percentage change in PGS effect per unit change (standard deviations for continuous variables, binary variables encoded as 0 or 1) in covariate. The fifth column is the increase in model R2 with a PGS-covariate interaction term versus a main effects only model. Abbreviations: blood pressure (BP), physical activity (PA), forced vital capacity (FVC), forced expiratory volume in 1-second (FEV1), International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ).

Variable type Covariate % change in βPGS per covariate unit change Interaction P R2 increase with interaction term N
Continuous HDL cholesterol −15.29 1.71x10−96 0.0012 328719
Total cholesterol −12.70 1.64x10−71 0.00082 359221
IPAQ −12.50 3.11x10−66 0.001 304951
Moderate-vigorous PA −11.41 8.92x10−65 0.001 304951
Diastolic BP 10.84 6.06x10−60 0.0007 352804
Townsend Index 6.78 2.86x10−58 0.00089 376283
Age −9.02 3.60x10−57 0.00061 376729
FVC −9.66 4.69x10−56 0.0008 343467
Drink frequency/wk −19.96 2.62x10−55 0.0024 122281
LDL cholesterol −9.86 2.63x10−51 0.00058 358556
N days vigorous PA/wk −9.37 2.42x10−35 0.0007 299963
FEV1 −7.38 7.15x10−35 0.0005 343544
Mean alcohol consumption −7.38 7.65x10−22 0.00113 126756
HbA1c 4.63 5.37x10−14 0.0002 358798
Mean drinks/wk −7.66 1.01x10−13 0.0008 112204
Water intake 4.60 2.97x10−13 0.00014 347472
Processed meat intake 3.70 2.38x10−7 0.0002 376205
Starch mean 5.51 3.15x10−7 0.00018 128346
Smoking pack years 4.78 3.68x10−7 0.0002 114135
Protein mean 4.82 6.52x10−7 0.00018 128181
Saturated fat mean 4.92 1.23x10−6 0.00017 127899
Fat mean 4.40 1.64x10−5 0.00013 128092
Saturated fat grams/wk 2.46 1.79x10−5 4.00E-05 364629
Retinol mean 3.77 3.54x10−4 9.00E-05 126029

Binary IPAQ −12.68 5.30x10−62 0.0009 304951
Vigorous PA/wk −20.55 9.07x10−54 0.0009 304951
Sex −11.02 1.41x10−24 0.00025 376729
Diabetes 27.19 1.83x10−7 0.0004 375903