Lysis of KATOIII tumor cells by Rhesus monkey derived PBMCs after repeated-boost immunizations. Rhesus monkeys were immunized with SialylTn–mAb17-1A vaccine co-formulated with QS-21. PBMCs were isolated from heparinized blood derived from Rhesus monkeys before or after immunization, respectively, on a Ficoll density gradient. Following removal of adherent cells by 2 h plastic adherence and repeated washing steps, the non-adherent PBMCs were used as effector cells in an overnight 51Cr-release lysis assay against labeled KATOIII target cells. Data of four individual animals (#31, #48, #76, #318), each measured in independent triplicates (mean and SD shown), are presented. Statistics: *P < 0.05 vs. PS (d1) (one-tailed, paired t-test)