IL-15 + IL-21-induced IFNγ production is restricted to CD62L+/CD44− effector memory T cells. Murine splenocytes were gp100/A2 TCR-transduced and cultured with cytokines as described in legend to Fig. 1. Five days after start of culture, T cells were stimulated with medium, Con A (10 ng/ml) or B16gp100/A2 cells, and analysed by flow cytometry for the expression of IFNγ (a). In (b) IFNγ staining was combined with the T-cell differentiation markers CD62L and CD44. In the latter case, T cells were first stained with anti-CD62L mAbFITC and anti-CD44 mAbAPC, followed by intracellular staining with anti-IFNγ mAbPE. Cells were FSC/SSC gated on viable lymphocytes and percentages of IFNγ+ T cells (in red) were determined. The results for IL-2 and IL-15 + IL-21 cultures are shown. Results are from a representative experiment out of 3 independent experiments with similar results