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. 2006 Feb 21;55(12):1553–1564. doi: 10.1007/s00262-006-0145-7

Table 2.

Characteristics of included patients and summary of responses and survival for the individual patients

Treatment, week 1–12 Follow-up
Patient No Age Sex Previous treatment Tumor histology Stage No. of injects DTH/T cells Compl. Study Disease status w12 No. of booster injects DTH T cells Survival months from start of treatment
Low dose 701 60 M Dc/Rad Nsclc IIIB 8 −/− Yes SD 11
702 69 M Dc/P Adeno IV 6 W No PD 4
703 68 F Rad Adeno IV 8 +/− Yes PD 15
704 60 F Opr/Rad Adeno IV 8 +/+ Yes SD 18
706 60 M Dc nsclc IV 8 +/− Yes PD 3
707 59 M P adeno IV 6 −/− No PD 2.5
708 39 M Dc/P squam IV 8 +/+ Yes SD 7
709 63 F Dc/P/Rad squam IV 6 W No PD 3
710 55 M P/Rad adeno IIIA 8 −/− Yes SD 13 −/+ 46a
711 48 M Dc squam IV 8 +/+ Yes PD 25
712 49 F Opr/Dc/P adeno IV 8 +/+ Yes SD 8 −/+ 44a
713 76 F Rad squam IIIB 8 +/+ Yes PD 19
High dose 714 68 M Rad squam IV 8 +/− Yes PD 32
715 45 F P/Rad/Dc adeno IV 4 W No PD 5
716 72 M Rad nsclc IV 6 W No PD 1.5
717 56 M P/NP/Dc squam IV 7 W No PD 2.5
718 57 F None adeno IV 6 W No PD 4
719 44 M P/Rad adeno IV 7 W No PD 3.5
720 57 F Rad largecell IV 4 W No NE 8.5
721 63 F P/Dc/P nsclc IV 7 +/+ No PD 5.5
722 60 F Rad/P adeno IV 6 W No PD 4
723 53 M Opr/Rad/Dc squam IV 8 −/+ Yes PD 16.5
724 60 F None bronch IV 8 −/− Yes PD 10
725 55 F Opr adeno IIB 8 +/− Yes SD 3 +/+ 30a
726 49 M P adeno IV 7 −/− No PD 3.5
727 57 M Opr/Dc/Rad squam IIIB 8 −/− Yes SD 6 −/+ 29a

Dc docetaxel, P platinum, NP non-platinum, Rad radiation, Opr operation, W withdrawn

aAlive at time of reporting