FIG. 6.
Expression of gE-gI does not disrupt the functional integrity of tight junctions. HEC-1A cells were grown on membrane filter supports for 5 days, until the TER exceeded 400 Ωcm2; subsequently, the cells were coinfected with Ad(E1−)gE and Ad(E1−)gI were infected with AddlE1 (a control Ad vector) or were left uninfected (Mock) for a further 2 days. (A) TER was measured with a Millipore Voltohmmeter. Note that the values shown are resistance values for the cell monolayers, since the resistance of the membrane support was subtracted from the total resistance. (B) Paracellular permeability was determined by introducing [14C]inulin into the upper compartment and measuring the labelled inulin in the lower chamber at various time points. In each case, three separate wells were used for each measurement, and error bars represent the standard deviations.