Table 2.
Pre-immunizations with VP2PyVLPs alone or loaded on DCs do not significantly reduce the anti-tumor effect of a subsequent Her21–68 3PyVLPs immunization
1st immunization | 2nd immunization | 3rd immunization | Tumor takes a |
DCs + VP2PyVLPs | DCs + VP2PyVLPs | Her21–683PyVLPs | 7/10 |
– | DCs + VP2PyVLPs | Her21–683PyVLPs | 5/10 |
VP2PyVLPs | VP2PyVLPs | Her21–683PyVLPs | 7/10 |
– | VP2PyVLPs | Her21–683PyVLPs | 4/10 |
– | – | Her21–683PyVLPs | 4/10 |
– | – | – | 10/10 |
aResults are reported as the number of tumor-positive animals per total number of animals challenged with D2F2/E2 cells