IPL change from baseline of the primary cohort
(A) Annualized retinal layer percentage change for the primary cohort in percent per year. Bars represent mean, whiskers represent standard deviation, and points represent data from individual eyes. Red indicates patients with a stable relapsing-remitting disease course (RR-RR), while blue indicates patients who transitioned to secondary progressive disease on the study (RR-SP). Retina, full retinal thickness; NFL, nerve fiber layer; GCL, ganglion cell layer; IPL, inner plexiform layer; INL, inner nuclear layer; OPL = outer plexiform layer; ONL, outer nuclear layer. The p values were derived from a linear mixed-effects model adjusted for the random effect of patients. ∗∗p < 0.01.
(B) IPL thickness change in total microns from the baseline exam, plotted against time to follow up in years. Negative values on the y axis represent loss of IPL thickness compared with baseline measurement, while positive values represent gain. Values on the y axis represent time in years preceding follow-up exam, with the follow-up exam date set at 0. Patients with RR-RR disease are depicted in red on the left side of the plot, while patients who transitioned to secondary progressive disease (RR-SP) on the study are represented in blue on the right. Dashed lines represent single-eye data points, while solid black lines represent average cohort values.
(C) Rate of annualized (IPL) thickness change in total microns per year from the baseline exam of the primary analysis cohort (excluding patients treated with fingolimod), by disease cohort. Bars represent mean, while whiskers represent standard error (SE).
(D) Rate of annualized (IPL) thickness change in total microns per year from the baseline exam of the primary analysis cohort, by disease duration at baseline. Red represents patients with RR-RR disease, while blue represents patients who transitioned to RR-SP disease in the study. Points represent single-eye data, while lines represent general linear models. Gray borders represent the SE of the linear model fit.