Network types (ref Large without strain)
Large with strain (14%) |
.09 |
.04 |
.016 |
Small, diverse, low contact (26%) |
.02 |
.04 |
.568 |
Small, restricted, high contact (20%) |
.07 |
.04 |
.048 |
Medium size and support (17%) |
.02 |
.03 |
.628 |
Network types*Round 3 (change in outcome) |
Large with strain*Round 3 |
−.14 |
.05 |
.003 |
Small, diverse, low contact*Round 3 |
.04 |
.05 |
.335 |
Small, restricted, high contact*Round 3 |
−.07 |
.05 |
.138 |
Medium size and support*Round 3 |
−.06 |
.04 |
.199 |
Covariates |
Round 3 |
.11 |
.03 |
.000 |
Age |
.01 |
.00 |
<.0001 |
Female |
.02 |
.02 |
.371 |
Race (ref: White)
Black |
.15 |
.03 |
<.0001 |
Other |
.05 |
.03 |
.113 |
Education (ref Bachelor’s or higher)
Less than high school |
.14 |
.03 |
<.0001 |
High school or equivalent |
.08 |
.03 |
.008 |
Vocational, some college, or associate’s degree |
.03 |
.03 |
.278 |
Married or living with a partner |
−.04 |
.02 |
.085 |
Number of chronic conditions (0–7) |
.06 |
.01 |
<.0001 |
Baseline time to walk (in seconds) |
.18 |
.03 |
<.0001 |