Each of the settings set by the clinician and the resulting ventilatory parameters are shown for the major modes of positive pressure ventilation. More advanced modes and breath types (proportional assist ventilation, neurally adjusted ventilatory assist, and airway pressure release ventilation) are not described. Green = variable set (constant) by the clinician; orange = variable changes according to patient-ventilator interaction. *Classically no back up. Alarm can be set if patien’s RR is < set limit. †For SIMV mode (SIMV PC, SIMV VC, or SIMV Volume Target), the descriptions apply only to set breaths and not spontaneous breaths. $For some machines, clinician sets TV and flow pattern, which determines IT. For other machines, IT is set directly. A/C = assist control; F = flow; FIO2 = fraction of inspired oxygen; IT = inspiratory time; MV = minute ventilation; P = pressure; PC = pressure control; PEEP = positive end expiratory pressure; PIP = peak inspiratory pressure; Pplat = plateau pressure; PS = pressure support; R = resistance; RR = respiratory rate; SIMV = synchronized intermittent mandatory ventilation; t = time; TV = tidal volume.