Basic Pulmonary Physiology and Cardiopulmonary Interactions
Ppleural Affects RV and LV Preload and Afterload |
1. Ppleural is determined by the balance of the tendency of alveolar units toward collapse (elastic recoil) versus of the thoracic wall to spring outwards and action of respiratory muscles |
2. Changes in Ppleural generally influence RV inflow and LV outflow, while changes in transpulmonary pressure (Palv-Ppleural) influence RV outflow and LV inflow. |
3. Negative Ppleural a) increases venous return and preload; b) decreases RV afterload; and c) increases LV afterload. |
4. Positive pressure ventilation increases Ppleural and a) decreases preload; b) increases RV afterload; and c) decreases LV afterload |
5. Large shifts in Ppleural (e.g., respiratory distress) can significantly increase LV afterload. |
PEEP Affects RV and LV Hemodynamics |
1. Total PEEP is the sum of extrinsic PEEP (generated by the ventilator) and intrinsic or auto-PEEP (due to incomplete exhalation). |
2. Extrinsic PEEP is commonly used in the CICU for its beneficial effects on oxygenation, alveolar recruitment, airway patency, and preload. |
3. PEEP: a) increases pulmonary vascular resistance; b) decreases RV and LV preload; c) decreases LV afterload; and d) reduces LV compliance through interventricular dependence. |
4. The effect of PEEP on cardiac output varies with preload dependence and LV contractility and compliance. |
Airway Pressure Influences Hemodynamics Via its Impact on Alveolar Pressure and Pleural Pressure |
1. Airway pressure is determined by the flow, airway resistance, tidal volume, compliance of the chest wall and lung parenchyma, and the total end-expiratory pressure. |
2. Positive pressure ventilation exerts its effects on cardiovascular hemodynamics principally through its impact on Palv and Ppleural. |
3. In poorly compliant lungs, changes in intrathoracic pressure will have more pronounced effects on hemodynamics. |
LV = left ventricular; Palv = alveolar pressure; Paw = airway pressure; PEEP = positive end-expiratory pressure; Ppleural = pleural pressure; RV = right ventricular.