Fig. 1.
. Relative AML-APC yield: the number of viable cells after culture divided by the number of viable cells before culture, multiplied by the percentage of CD40+ cells after culture. AML blasts were cultured in the presence of cytokines or calcium ionophore (CI) in FCS-containing medium (FCS, FCS-cytokine culture n=17, FCS-CI-culture n=14), StemSpan serum-free medium (SP, SP-cytokine culture n=19, SP-CI-culture n=17), and CellGro serum-free medium (CG, CG-cytokine culture n=13, CG-CI-culture n=8). Horizontal lines represent the mean relative yield. The yield of AML-APCs cultured with CI in CellGro medium was significantly less as compared to AML-APCs cultured in FCS-containing medium and StemSpan medium (P=0.015, P=0.049, respectively).