Table 1.
Transition probabilities | Base case value | Range of one-way sensitivity analysisa | Probabilistic sensitivity analysis |
Reference | |
α | β | ||||
Intact tooth to root caries | 0.007 | 0.005–0.008 | 79 | 11,655 | TIS [13] |
Root caries to restoration | 0.096 | 0.062–0.130 | 27 | 258 | TIS |
Restoration to endo treatment | 0.268 | 0.157-0.690b | 146 | 399 |
Sun et al. [15] Wang et al. [16] |
Crown restoration after endo treatment | 0.640 | 0.349-0.757b | 281 | 158 |
Chu et al. [17] Qiu et al. [18] |
Root caries to extraction | 0.088 | 0.055–0.121 | 25 | 260 | TIS |
Direct restoration failure | 0.079 | 0.012–0.146 | 5 | 58 | Lo et al. [19] |
RRroot caries in Fluoride treatment group | 0.396 | 0.223–0.702 | 0.396c | 0.097c | Tan et al. [12] |
Abbreviation TIS, Taizhou Imaging Study; RR, risk ratio
aRange of one-way sensitivity analysis was estimated from the 95% confidence interval of the base case value except where noted
bRange of transition probability of restoration to endo treatment and crown restoration was estimated from the minimum and maximum of reference data
cβ distribution parameters of RRroot caries in fluoride treatment group were set from the mean and 10% SD of the base case value