Figure 4:
ALP activity predicts the effect of GW9662 on ECM yield. (A) ALP activity exhibited by hMSCs in response to escalating GW9662 dose. (B) ECM nodules detectable by phase microscopy in vehicle- and GW9662-treated hMSCs. Scale bar, 10 μm. (C) Yield of recoverable matrix per 154 mm2 tissue culture dish. (D) Calcium mineral levels in recoverable matrix. (E) Cell binding characteristics of ECM generated by control hMSCs (DMSO-ECM) or GW-hMSCs (GW-ECM) when loaded with 1×105 control hMSCs or GW-hMSCs. (F) ALP activity of control- or GWhMSCs on GW-ECM or DMSO-ECM. Data are means +/− standard deviations and *P < 0.05, **P < 0.01, ***P < 0.005. For panels C and D, t-test, N=6. For panels A, E and F, one-sided ANOVA followed by Tukey post-hoc analysis, for A, N=6, for C and D, N=3.