Figure 2.
Overlaying IFNγ−/−myeloid cells reversed blood cholesterol in SHPΔhepmice. A: Schematic of the study design for overlaying bone marrow-derived IFNγ−/− myeloid cells in mice with hepatic SHP deletion. After lethal irradiation, SHPΔhep mice were reconstituted with bone marrow from IFNγ−/− mice (Δhep_Ifnγ−/−) to suppress liver inflammation when starting the fructose diet. SHPfl/fl and SHPΔhep mice reconstituted with bone marrow from donors of respective genotypes were included (fl/fl_Con’ and Δhep_Con’) as isogenic controls. B: Body weight was not affected by the bone marrow transplant. C: Overlaying IFNγ−/− bone marrow reduced fasting blood TG in female mice but increased fasting TG in male mice. D: Fasting blood cholesterol was decreased by the hepatic deletion of SHP and was reversed by overlaying IFNγ−/− myeloid cells in both sexes. E. Changes in fasting glucose levels were similar to changes in body weight. F. Fasting insulin levels were not significantly different between groups in either sex. G-H: Overlaying IFNγ−/− myeloid cells improved OGTT only in female mice (G) but not in male mice (H). n = 6, statistical analysis was performed with 2-way ANOVA with Tukey's multiple comparisons. ∗, p < 0.05; ∗∗, p < 0.01; ∗∗∗∗, p < 0.0001.