Fig. 1. Influence of synaptic configuration on presynaptic release at dendrites.
a Top, an overlaid image of FM1-43+ boutons and MAP2+ dendrites. Bottom, magnification of boxes and 3D pseudo-color images to show FM1-43 fluorescence (indicative of Pr) of synapses. Punctum height, peak fluorescent intensity. b Plot of functional synapse density (D) against mean Pr () at distal dendritic branches (n = 66, 67 branches from 5, 5 biological repeats). Arrows, the trend towards DHiLo or DLoHi configuration. Inset, plots of D against 1/Pr (top) and total Pr (ΣPr) against (bottom). Hyperbolic fitting, R2 = 0.87, P < 0.0001. Linear regressions, R2 = 0.84, 0.0056; P < 0.0001, = 0.25. Blue lines/error bands, fitted curves/95% confidence interval (CI). Biological repeats, individual coverslips of culture. c Shifted Pr distribution (n = 863, 885 boutons from 5, 4 repeats; two-sided Kolmogorov–Smirnov test, ****P < 0.0001). Dashed line indicates where Pr = 0.4. d Left, confocal images to show FM1-43 staining elicited by single AP (1AP) inputs (30AP@0.5 Hz) and burst inputs (6 repetitive trains of 5AP@100 Hz burst) in the same boutons. Black and white arrows, examples of high-Pr and low-Pr boutons. Middle, plot of the release probability upon bursts (Prburst) against Pr in the same boutons (n = 458, 763 boutons from 3, 4 repeats). Dashed line, bisector. Right, ΔPr (=Prburst–Pr) versus Pr. Curve/error band, mean/SEM. e Plots of synaptic configurations (indicated by D ~ combinations) against ΣPr and ΣPrburst (in pseudo color) at individual dendritic branches (n = 58, 53 branches from 4, 4 repeats, some branches from b). f Box-whisker plot of ΣPr and ΣPrburst at dendritic branches under physiological and elevated Mg2+ conditions (n = 58, 53 branches from 4, 4 repeats; data from e). Two-sided Kolmogorov–Smirnov tests, P = 0.0930 (NS), ****P < 0.0001. Box borders/line, quartiles/median; whiskers, min and max. Source data are provided as a Source Data file.