Fig. 4. PGS associations with pharmacogenomic outcomes.
a Odds-ratio and 95% confidence interval of having an ICD code for toxicity from an antineoplastic or immunosuppressive medication with (n = 985) or without (n = 2273) a clinical concern for a low WBC count among 71,078 BioVU participants. Odds-ratios are from a logistic regression model, adjusted for age, sex, and principal components. b Kaplan–Meier plot for a WBC count < 3000 cells/µL (leukopenia) (n = 266 events) after initiating treatment with taxanes among 1724 BioVU participants with cancer. The PGSWBC strata are Low (<1 s.d. below the mean), Middle (≥−1 s.d. and ≤1 s.d.), High (>1 s.d.).